It’s been a while since we have discussed seasoning on this
blog and it’s about time to talk about the changes that have taken place in the past
few years and discuss further the different meanings of seasoning that exist for
a mortgage.
Showing posts with label underwriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label underwriting. Show all posts
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Monday, May 31, 2021
Calculating the Cost of Delay
Happy Memorial Day to all and a heartfelt thank you to all
those who serve and have served our country. Your sacrifices are truly
appreciated by TRET.
Let us quickly discuss, on this last day of May, the value
of Delay. Late payments, be they intentional or not, are costly, no matter how
late they are. Time has a calculable value and delayed payments provide a
monetary benefit to the payee and punish the lender or vendor. This value is
easily observed in the world of retail, where giants like Wal-Mart, not only connect
the speed with which they pay their vendors to the success of the products in
their stores, but also fine retailers for late shipments. In retail, late
shipments equate to lost sales. In real estate, late payments lead to increased opportunity
costs and decreased value of money.
Sunday, April 4, 2021
ARMs: A Quick Look
Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs) are a viable financing
option for both single, multifamily and owner-occupied commercial property owners. Ever since
their formal establishment by Title VII of the Garn–St Germain Depository
Institutions Act of 1982, ARMs have offered the opportunity to link mortgage
payments to marketplace activity. Coupled with the rate collars, ceilings and
floors, these financial instruments have the potential to lock in the
conditions of a favorable interest rate market, at interest
rates that are typically lower than a fixed-rate mortgage. In the world of retail real estate, lower
rates can translate into increased purchasing power. For the real estate
investor, however, rate fluctuations and potential for sustained above
market-rates usually tends to also lead to an early refinance. With the January 3, 2022
deadline for ARMs to decouple from the LIBOR index imposed by Fannie and
Freddie, now is an opportune time to take a look at ARMs and their role in
the mortgage market.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
How to Navigate Legal Structures in Real Estate

Stephon Martin
As the real estate market attempts to move past
the COVID-19 pandemic and progress toward a “New Normal,” federal moratoriums
have become a way of life in real estate. Navigating the legal landscape of a
local market has always been part of creating wealth in real estate. Every real
estate marketplace is subject to its own local laws, as well as its state law
and federal law. At the highest level, real estate investment and development is a game of understanding the rules—the applicable laws, ordinances, building codes, etc.,
and knowing when you can bend them in your favor through variances, court cases
and lobbying. Although much of this may seem a little nefarious, it need not
be, as our legal system was designed to establish a certain set of default rules
for real estate, with a mechanism to allow for change in the event that either
some rules are inapplicable generally or inadequate for a given situation. That
stated, below are some ways to capitalize, navigate or at least survive the
laws of any real estate market:
Monday, November 30, 2020
Let’s Not Forget the Expenses
When either forecasting, underwriting or simply checking the figures on a deal, it is important to account for expenses. The mere mention of the word expenses immediately brings certain images to the mind of most real estate professionals, such as taxes, labor and materials. Proper accounting for such expenses, however, can make or break a financial model and skew underwriting assumptions. That said, it is important to employ the following practices to ensure that your expense estimates are accurate and reflective of the market.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Property Maintenance Laws and Lending

Why Worry About Blight?
To be clear, blight is a real issue that can lead to a number of undesirable effects. Abandoned properties that are poorly maintained cause safety issues. Poorly maintained building systems and structure will eventually fail at some point, causing unsafe buildings. Overgrown landscaping leads to health concerns. These health and safety concerns become a problem for neighboring properties, as neighbors must then focus on how to curb the spread of these issues onto their properties. More generally, well-maintained properties inspire a pride of ownership that carries over to neighboring property owners. The opposite is also true—abandoned and poorly maintained properties drain the neighborhood of pride of ownership and lead to less diligent maintenance throughout the neighborhood.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Welcome to another year at the
Real Estate Think Tank. I enjoy writing about real estate and am thankful that
I have this forum to share my thoughts on the subject. With that said, let’s
get into Cooperatives.
A Cooperative, also known as a Real Estate Cooperative or Co-op, is a form
of real estate ownership in which owners purchase shares in a
corporate entity that owns a building. This entity is usually called an
Apartment Corporation. Despite the name “Apartment Corporation,” a co-op can be
both residential and commercial. Although residential co-ops, known as Housing Cooperatives, are more prevalent, commercial co-ops are not uncommon.

Since the Apartment Corporation
owns the building and not the owners, owners in a co-op are referred to as
shareholders. Furthermore, shareholders do not technically own real estate or
real property, but instead own shares, which are considered personal property.
This distinction has certain legal ramifications that are noteworthy, but beyond the scope of this post. The ownership characteristics of a co-op, however, are also very interesting.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Condominium ownership is a form of real estate ownership that has unique characteristics. For those not well-versed in condominiums, here is a quick overview of their definition and purpose:

A condominium or condo allows a property, typically a multistory building, but not infrequently a large parcel of land, to be split into sections and owned by multiple owners. The unique aspect of condominium ownership is that it entitles an owner to ownership of a specific portion of a property and the space or “air” bounded by that portion. For example, through condominium ownership, one can convey the first floor of a three story building to one party, the second to another party and the third to yet another party. Interestingly, the units are frequently not required to be the same size, so one could create a two-unit condominium out of a three story building and convey the first floor to one party and the second and third floors to another party. A condominium is formed by recording a document, typically called a declaration in most jurisdictions, but also referred to by other names, such as a master deed, against the property. This document informs the public that the property is now a condominium, outlines the sizes of the units and common areas and provides other relevant information about the condominium. Once a condominium is formed the property can no longer be sold as an undivided whole, unless the condominium regime is abandoned. The condominium regime will remain in effect until either the unit owners decide to abandon the condominium, the government dissolves the condominium, the property somehow loses the condominium status through the violation of local laws or the government condemns the property.

A condominium or condo allows a property, typically a multistory building, but not infrequently a large parcel of land, to be split into sections and owned by multiple owners. The unique aspect of condominium ownership is that it entitles an owner to ownership of a specific portion of a property and the space or “air” bounded by that portion. For example, through condominium ownership, one can convey the first floor of a three story building to one party, the second to another party and the third to yet another party. Interestingly, the units are frequently not required to be the same size, so one could create a two-unit condominium out of a three story building and convey the first floor to one party and the second and third floors to another party. A condominium is formed by recording a document, typically called a declaration in most jurisdictions, but also referred to by other names, such as a master deed, against the property. This document informs the public that the property is now a condominium, outlines the sizes of the units and common areas and provides other relevant information about the condominium. Once a condominium is formed the property can no longer be sold as an undivided whole, unless the condominium regime is abandoned. The condominium regime will remain in effect until either the unit owners decide to abandon the condominium, the government dissolves the condominium, the property somehow loses the condominium status through the violation of local laws or the government condemns the property.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Easements are a common occurrence in real estate, but what
are they really?
Essentially, an easement is the right to use a property
granted by the owner of the property to a non-owner or class of non-owners. An easement
is by no means the only way for a property owner to confer use to a non-owner,
but unlike other forms used to grant usage rights, such as licenses and
permits, easements are recorded against the title of the property over which they are granted and remain in effect despite the transfer of the land. The ability
of an easement to survive the transfer of title is called “running with the land.”
Easements differ from leases, which also confer the usage rights
of a property to non-owners and also run with the land, in that easements exist
in perpetuity, whereas leases have a term with a termination date. As a result,
in order to terminate or “extinguish” an easement, an affirmative action must
be taken like merger or abandonment. A lease, however, automatically terminates
upon the end of its term, without any further action by the parties to it.
There are different types of easements and easements are
generally categorized in different ways. The first way that an easement can be
categorized is based on to whom or what the rights of usage are granted. If the
easement grants rights of usage to the owner or occupant of another property,
it is called an easement appurtenant. In this instance, the property on which
the easement is established is called the servient estate and the property that
receives the right of usage is called the dominant estate.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Monte Carlo Mortgages
In his book Mortgage Wars, former CFO of Fannie Mae, Timothy Howard explains how Fannie's realization that mortgages behave like bonds with embedded call options revolutionized its ability to value its portfolio and manage risk. Prior to this change in thinking, Fannie Mae's methods for reserving capital were consistently shown to be inadequate. Today, the valuation of mortgages and mortgage-related securities as bonds with embedded calls is nothing new.

Mortgages are freely refinanceable at any point. In this way, they function as bonds in which the payments from the homeowner serve as the coupon payment and the ability to refinance serves as a call option sold to the homeowner by the mortgage holder. Typically the refinance rates increase as interest rates decrease. Although mortgage prepayment penalties are included in mortgages to discourage refinancing, a large enough drop in interest rates can make refinancing worthwhile to a property owner in spite of the prepayment penalty. For mortgage and MBS investors, prepayments are undesirable. Given that most mortgage investors look to invest anywhere between 5 and 30 years, an early decline in interest rates can leave many investors with cash from prepayments that must be invested in a market offering lower interests rates. This undesirable situation is the double-edged sword of prepayment risk for mortgages.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Why Historical Beta Does Not Always Work For Real Estate

The ways in which the risk profile of real estate has been
expressed vary from the informal to the highly computational. On the most
informal end of the spectrum, owner-operators of property frequently concern
themselves with the tax consequences and appreciation of the property, content
to face changes in the market or externalities, as they come. On the opposite end of
the spectrum are portfolio managers and fixed-income investors, who seek
quantifiable means to express the volatility of real estate securities. One
such attempt at quantifying the volatility of real estate and its related securities is through the use of real estate's historical beta.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

Although I am not a tax professional, tax
expert or tax adviser, I would like to briefly discuss various real estate
investment tax considerations. I will attempt to address a few of the more
popular tax considerations at the property, entity and security level:
Friday, January 30, 2015
Second Mortgages: Why They Are Less Prevalent In Commercial Real Estate Than In Residential Real Estate
Early in my whole loan trading career, an investor once offered to fund a partnership that would purchase second position
liens, also known as second mortgages, secured by commercial real estate. The
investor promised to pledge a substantial amount of capital, if I was able to
assemble a portfolio of target assets. Understanding the risk/reward profile of
such an investment and desiring to deliver for what seemed to be a potential
source of new business, I quickly began to work on finding commercial seconds
to underwrite and select. After a few days on the phone with a number of
commercial lenders, real estate debt funds and large financial institutions, I
began to realize that commercial real estate second mortgages were not easy to
find. Finally, after a few weeks of searching, I informed the investor that I
was unable to find any asset worth purchasing that met his mandate.
Nearly ten years later, I now understand why the second
mortgage, an established method of financing in the world of residential
finance, is so infrequently used in commercial real estate. To state it
plainly, the property-income focus of commercial real estate, makes commercial
seconds more of a liability than an asset. It is this income focus that leads
most commercial lenders to emphasize property performance over the
qualifications of the borrower. As a result, most commercial financing is offered
with no recourse to the buyer upon default, giving the lender as much control
over a distressed asset as possible and incentivizing the owner of a distressed
property to “walk away” when there are no more options. In order to maintain as
much control over the property as possible, most commercial real estate lenders
will insist that they be on the only creditor of the property and that the
property be structured in such a way that it is remote from the bankruptcy of
the borrower. These goals are typically accomplished by establishing a holding
entity for the property to be financed, placing the borrower in the equity
position of the entity and making the lender a creditor of the entity, secured
by its largest asset.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Who Should Value the Property: BPO's Versus Appraisals
Appraisers and brokers are frequently considered integral components of
a real estate transaction. Their roles are clearly defined in residential real
estate, however, in commercial real estate, both professions frequently cross
into a number disciplines. It isn’t uncommon for a commercial real estate
broker to manage a property, arrange financing, market mortgage notes and even
raise funds. Commercial appraisers are often asked to inspect buildings,
estimate repair costs, estimate the value of construction materials and
determine replacement costs. Brokers not only procure parties and assist in the
negotiations of transactions, they are also frequently called on to value
properties from a number of perspectives.
In light of the various demands on both the real estate broker and
appraiser, there may be some questions as to the differences in the valuation
reports that each professional issues. It has been my experience that a broker
price opinion (BPO) and a property appraisal each serve different, but useful
purposes. A broker price opinion typically reflects the value for which a
property will generate either a successful lease or sale. The opinion can also suggest
a value at which the property will generate substantial interest on the market.
An appraisal, however, is typically useful as a justification of a given price,
as may arise under a purchase contract, after an assessment or upon any other
instance of valuation. Better stated, a broker price opinion can be seen as a
forward looking valuation and the appraisal can be seen as a justification or
backward looking valuation.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Return on Equity
Let’s keep this
post short and sweet, by discussing Return on Equity (ROE). ROE is a measure of
the rate at which a property’s after tax cash flow has performed in relation to
either the equity in a property or initial investment. As a result, ROE has two
definitions that yield different values:
1) ROE = Cash Flow After Taxes/Initial Investment
2) ROE = Cash Flow After Taxes/(Market Value –
Mortgage Balance)
The first definition tends to be more useful to
understand the first year of property ownership, where there is a negligible
amount of mortgage reduction and market value has not changed much. The second
definition is more useful to track the growth of ROE over time.
It is interesting
to note, however, that as both cash flow and mortgage principal reduction
increases over time, ROE decreases. There is a school of thought that advocates
monetizing equity for reinvestment as ROE decreases. I tend to disagree, since I
view debt reduction and equity build-up as benefits that must be
considered. Additionally, ROE should not influence the decisions that
one makes about other benefits of owning investment property--depreciation, tax
shelter, appreciation, and improved utility.
What do you think?
Friday, January 9, 2015
IRR: Its Meaning, Its Uses, Its Benefits, Its Limitations and Capital Accumulation
It is time for
this blog to take another step toward legitimacy in the ever growing world of
real estate blogs. I am now going to address the frequently used and highly
touted real estate metric of Internal Rate of Return. I remember being mesmerized
by IRR when I was first learning about commercial real estate metrics. It was
introduced to me as the magic number that could explain the true return of a
property. I have since learned to respect it as one of the many tools that can
be used to understand the return value of an investment property or ABS, while understanding
its limitations.
In the interest of
brevity, I am going to explain IRR as it pertains to investment property. I
will not get into its uses in RMBS and CMBS bonds, as I will save that for a
later post. I also will not go into detail on the iterative,
successive-approximations technique by which the IRR value is derived. I am on
the fence as to whether or not such a discussion would be helpful to this blog.
Now that I have told you what I will not do, please allow me to begin my
discussion of IRR.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Net Present Value, Discouted Cash Flow, and Profitability Index: Their Uses, Benefits and Drawbacks
It’s good to finally post
again. I have recently finished reading What
Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow…and 36 Other Key
Financial Measures, by Frank Gallinelli. Gallinelli’s book is a well-known,
highly respected “must read” for those who are looking to understand the basics
of commercial real estate property valuation. Having read a number of books on
real estate, I have come to two realizations—1) Books on investment property
metrics and valuations, by and large, are very similar, 2) I secretly enjoy
reading books about real estate. At first, I thought I was reading for
informational purposes, but having read about NOI for at least the 20th
time, I have finally admitted to myself that I enjoy doing so. Now let’s get to
the meat and potatoes.
Discounted Cash
Flow (DCF), Net Present Value (NPV) and Profitability Index are all measures of
the value of investment property cash flow. The DCF is derived from the sum of
a property’s cash flows, present or projected, discounted to the present.
Discounting the value of a cash flow is necessary, due to the time value of
money, which accounts for the fact that money today is more valuable than money
in the future. An in depth discussion of the time value of money is beyond the
scope of this post, but I am more than happy to write a post on it, if I
receive a few request for one in the comments below.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Lender’s Fees: How Should One Account For Them?
Lender’s fees are a fact of life in real estate acquisitions. I was recently reading a chapter in a real estate handbook that outlined the justifications of a number fees commonly associated with mortgage origination and it offered a number of options for reducing their amounts. The relative negotiability of each lender fee, however, depends greatly on the lender, the credit worthiness of the borrower, the size of the asset, the size of the down-payment and market conditions. Generally, the stronger the buyer, the larger the asset and the larger the down-payment, the more negotiable lender’s fees are. Below is a discussion of some of the most common lender fees and how to account for them.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Capitalization Rates: Prespective on Their True Meaning
Cap rates are one of the most referenced metrics in all of commercial real estate. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most misunderstood metrics in our industry. I genuinely believe that this misunderstanding comes from the diversity of significant players in commercial real estate. Unlike the equities and debt markets, commercial real estate does not require the presence of a financial institution to mitigate the flow of information and to establish standard practices. Moreover, the equities markets are heavily regulated to insure honesty, transparency and equality of information. The debt markets, though not transparent, however, are generally restricted to institutional investors and high net worth individuals. Commercial real estate sales and acquisitions have no such regulations or restrictions and therefore do not require knowledge of the real estate metrics and their related mathematics to effectively transact. Many commercial property owners purchase properties based on simplified formulas, local knowledge of the property, purchasing rituals or merely "gut feelings." The presence of such transaction activity lends to frequent misuse of real estate metrics.
Despite the misunderstanding of real estate mathematics amongst a certain sector of the real estate market, savvy real estate purchasers, appraisers, institutional buyers and real estate analyst are typically comfortable with the metrics used to describe property performance. The Capitalization Rate or cap rate of a property is one such metric that can offer a wealth of information about the performance of a property and the market assumptions of the seller.
The cap rate expresses the annual rate of return of a property's net operating income given its market value or purchase price. Since debt service, income and expense escalations, and tax considerations, it is not the most reliable method of determining annual return. If properly calculated, however, the cap rate can be compared with a metric of opportunity costs, such as the Weighted Average Cost of Capital from the world of equities to determine the desirability of the property given alternative investments.
I recently found a paper written for the Journal of Real Estate Research that explains the components of cap rate. It explains that cap rates are significantly influenced by the debt and equities markets, but contain significant time lags, given the illiquidity of real estate. The paper asserts that there are 4 components to a cap rate: the risk free rate (here measured by 3 month treasuries, usually measured by the rate of 30 yr. treasuries); a component composed of the market cost of debt divided by the property value (let's call it the property's market LTV) and the spread of a BAA rated bond (lowest possible investment grade); a component comprised of the 1 minus the property's market LTV, the equity spread (as measured by the performance of the S&P 500) and a volatility coefficient beta for stocks (measured by the covariance between real estate equity returns and market returns, divided by the variance of market returns); finally, the negative of the growth rate.
Cap rates are also typically expressed as the discount rate less the property growth rate. Following this logic, one can collapse all of the above components of the cap rate, except for the growth rate negative, into the cap rate's given discount rate. Therefore, given a cap rate, one can look up the risk free rate, the market cost of debt, the BAA bond spread, the equity spread and the equity volatility beta and find the growth rate of the property assumed. All of the aforementioned components are regularly published.
Knowing the assumed growth rate of a property allows for a deeper understanding of how that property is priced and how it is expected to perform. It also explains the inverse relationship between cap rate and price, as a larger cap rate assumes more negative growth or appreciation, as it is called in real estate.
One caveat to both this discussion and the paper referenced is that I am not convinced that cap rates are significantly influenced by the changes in the equities market, although equities are an appropriate asset by which opportunity costs can be measured. The influence of both property REIT's and mortgage REIT's as well as the proximity of the stock market's historical returns (hovering around 8.5%) to historical cap rates (around 7.6%) all make the case that the equities market has some influence on cap rates. Given real estate's local nature and the idiosyncrasies of each property type, however, it is difficult to believe that the link between cap rates and equities can remain significant in the face of more influential determinants of the property's value. I prefer to think of the equities portion of the equation as open to be replaced by whatever alternative investment is feasible to the purchaser at the time the cap rate is figured, accompanied by its related volatility beta.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Commercial Notes and Properties
mortgage note valuations are distinguished from residential note valuations in
that commercial notes, and by extension their related CMBS bonds and
derivatives are based on the performance of the underwritten property, whereas
residential notes and their related securities rely heavily on the financial
behavior of the borrower. Many commercial mortgages are non-recourse to the
borrower and often the borrower of a commercial mortgage is an entity, which
can be dissolved and disappear upon insolvency or bankruptcy. It is also not
unheard of to find commercial lenders and servicers managing properties
obtained through foreclosure for a number of years to collect the cash flow
from the property until it is sold. Bank-owned residential properties, however,
are generally seen as liabilities to be sold at the highest price, as quickly
as possible.
the non-recourse nature of most commercial financing and the strong
consideration of the performance of the property, many commercial note
valuation financial models are very similar to commercial asset acquisition
models, with a number of lending considerations, such as debt yield, added. The
closely related nature of commercial note and commercial property valuations
has led me to title this post "Commercial Mortgage Notes and
Properties." There are a number of elements that are essential components
of both types of models. First, an asset description worksheet detailing the
asset and its financing is key. This worksheet should be flexible enough to run
a number of quick scenarios or "stress tests" and should have some
basic information that it is being fed from other worksheets in the model.
next essential component of a good commercial mortgage and property model is a
rent role worksheet. This worksheet can be separate from combined with a lease
expiration table. A clear presentation of such information will allow one to
quickly evaluate the condition of the property's rent role in order to
understand the flexibility of the asset and how it will perform over the life
of the acquisition or note. The next component is a valuation table that should
compare a number of different methods of valuing the worth of the property.
Area cap rate, replacement costs, and appraised value are some of the many ways
to find the value of an asset. Another important component is an expense and profit
escalation table. This table will allow one to project the possible value of
the asset over the life of the deal. These projections will be essential to
obtaining the asset's net present value (NPV) and for obtaining a rate for the
internal rate of return (IRR). I also like to add a worksheet that attempts to
predict how this asset as a note will behave if it were securitized with
similar assets, worse assets or better assets. Access to the rating agencies'
projected returns for each asset class can be very helpful in building and
using such a worksheet.
discussed the relative de-emphasis of the credit worthiness of the borrower of
a commercial mortgage, I must clarify that the borrower credit history is still
important to commercial mortgage underwriting and note valuation. Unworthy
borrowers lower the value of commercial note, as any foreclosure process, even
a "springing-lock box" mortgage, deed of trust or bank foreclosure
mortgage (the three least expensive mortgages to foreclose) can be costly in
terms of lost cash flow and lost time. Management costs will also accrue after
the foreclosure process is complete. No lender wishes to underwrite a deal that
will lead to foreclosure, as it would be cheaper for the lender to simply
purchase the property, therefore borrower risk must be evaluated and priced
through an appropriate interest rate. Borrower credit-worthiness, therefore,
should not be absent from your commercial mortgage note model.
posted this cursory overview of Commercial Mortgage Note and Asset modeling, I
welcome your comments on this or any other post on this blog.